Journeys of Destiny, by Craig Christie, tells the true story of Saad Alkassab, a young Syrian refugee: a journey of destiny for all. The story is told by a professional cast with young people from schools and youth theatres performing songs, music and verbatim material.
“A bit disappointed it had finished so soon… it was really fun.” Year 6 pupil
“I understand that they want to be safe, even though they didn’t wanna go, but they had to.” Year 6 pupil
“Journeys of Destiny” came as a result of two years of international research and new creative collaborations with schools, DRAC (Derby Refugee Advice Centre) and Derbyshire County Council Virtual School. This production toured to schools and theatres throughout June as part of National Refugee Week 2019.
“Our children were blown away by the whole day!” Headteacher, Great Hucklow Primary School Derbyshire
“A very powerful, spiritual experience for children and staff” Headteacher, Dove Holes, Derbyshire