Way Too Cool
Exploring Transition, Friendship, Compassion and Wellbeing
Script and music by Craig Christie
Year 6
Exciting new research and development workshops have been delivered Summer 2024 with year 6 pupils in primary schools in rural Derbyshire.
Way Too Cool explores what happens to us when we leave primary to start Secondary school, what happens to our friendships, our learning and how we can take care of ourselves in uncertain and changing times.
Young people said they were looking forward to secondary school for:
New friends, new teachers, new subjects, new food, sports facilitates and drama!
But there are things that concerned them too including:
Getting lost, saying goodbye to friends, maths tests, homework and being bullied.
There are no surprises here except that this group of young people missed out on a key developmental stage at school because of the Covid lockdowns. Young people are experiencing depression and anxiety at increasing numbers. Ava Hunt Theatre will be working with Professor Frances Maratos, Dr Caroline Harvey and colleagues at the University of Derby who specialise in a compassion and kindness approach empowering young people and supporting teachers.
In Summer 2025 we will be touring this production, inspired by young people’s ideas, and the exciting and fun music of award winning composer Craig Christie.
This project is supported by Foundation Derbyshire, and donations from the public.
"some children [contributed] that I didn't expect to speak up" Comments from teachers
"fantastic ideas and role play" Comments from teachers
"improved confidence and self esteem. Good transition discussion" Comments from teachers