Arts Council Funding secured for 2021 projects

Ava Hunt Theatre has been successful in securing Arts Council England funding to support our creative programme in 2021.

This funding allows us to continue our Destinies project with a wide range of partners including Derbyshire Virtual School, Sinfonia Viva, Orchestras Live. University of Derby and Derby Theatre. Together we will be working with young refugees/asylum seekers and children in care on performance skills, animation techniques, script writing, stage management, song writing, singing and musical composition. They will have the opportunity to work alongside professional script writers, musicians, animators, directors, and actors in Covid safe workshops and rehearsal spaces. We are working towards a final performance that will blend live performance and projection/animation in June 2021.

The funding will also help us develop a series of workshops working with small groups of young people aged between 15-18 years old who have dropped out of education, living in areas of social deprivation in Derbyshire.

The continued support from Arts Council England will also allow us to engage in training opportunities for our board and key workers to strengthen our organisational development.

We are excited and delighted. Thank you!

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